Thanks to Viseeto it is possible to create a well-designed offer for every cultural experience.
Viseeto allows you to get in touch with the user before, during and after the visit to inform him, intrigue him, entertain him and keep him updated on the destination.

Cultural assistant
Viseeto is equipped with a virtual assistant specialized in the cultural field: visitors can communicate in natural language with a virtual assistant specially trained exclusively on the reference context in multilingual mode and in real time.
App in app
The mobile App allows you to view information organized by thematic sections. A smart carousel is the main showcase of the offer. Editors can define at any time which elements of greatest relevance are to be placed in the foreground, in line with investments and coordinated communication on other channels.
The appearance of the App can change depending on the user's location: it is in fact possible to build the offer dynamically in order to display geolocalized contents according to a multi-destination logic: a single App for visiting multiple destinations.

Onboarding and profiling
Through the creation of a digital community users can be profiled: a pathway will guide visitors to express their tastes and preferences which will be processed by the system to offer him dedicated content and highly personalized.
Viseeto will make the complete customer base available to administrators To finalize marketing strategies. Furthermore, thanks to an integrated notification systemit will be possible to send real-time alerts and warnings to registered users.
Points of interest
Viseetois based on the cataloging of every place, object, service that contributes to the overall heritage. These points are called POI – Point Object of Interest - that is, points of interest that are mapped along the itinerary/map and which can be correlated with each other.
A POI is described by textual content of different profiles; POIs can be associated with a variety of multimedia content and can be made "(inter)active," that is, they can interact directly with people.

Viseeto offers integrated tools for planning and optimizing your visit such as:
- Platform for booking admissions, activities, and experiences: made available to venues, events, businesses, and public services ensuresspace occupancy, safe access, and attendance control.
- Portal for the sale of digital cards: a real a loyalty circuit linked to the destination and its initiatives with different offers and profiles that give access to rewards, discounts and personalized experiences.
With Viseeto, interactive games based on Artificial Intelligence can be activated to guide visitors through the offerings: riddles, treasure hunts, and mosaics will allow the user to discover the destination with a touch of magic. Whether from app or totem, digital tools will be able to be used as a lever of engagement to focus attention on specific works or events or to engage specific categories of users, such as younger people.

Multimedia content
Making users enjoy exclusive content even from home is possible with Viseeto.
Informative portals and immersive tours are the main points of contact toward visitors documenting the destination. Through thematic video portals, the user can take real virtual tours inside the places, turning into a real digital explorer. Viseeto supports various multimedia content such as images, videos, apps, RSS feeds, augmented reality, and more.